Family Grad's 2024
To all our family members who are graduating 2024, graduation day is a day to mark a tremendous accomplishment. You could not have come to this day without a lot of hard work. There may have been days when you felt that you could not continue, and yet you did. The moment when you are called up to the stage to receive your diploma, resplendent in your cap and gown, is a moment to savor. You can not lose what has now been given to you. Whether it is a high school, college, graduate, or doctoral diploma, that achievement will be yours forever. in every thing you do, and in every where you go, keep God first. he is the only one can make your journey out into this world easier. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate source of our success, love, laughter, dreams and the future. He is the Creator. God Bless you family
.Our family member, Lashandua Vault son, 4x great grandson of Edmond & Peggy Jackson Jones. He graduated from High School 2024.

Our family member Bishop Gary R. Johnson., 3x great grandson of Edmond & Peggy Jackson Jones. Graduated received his Doctored 2024

Our family member Kassidy Hampton, 3x great granddaughter of Edmond & Peggy Jackson Jones, Graduated received her BA in Psychology 2024.

Our family member Jonathan David Maple, son of Shontel Michelle Jackson-Nyamah. 3x great grandson of Edmond & Peggy Jackson Jones, he graduate from High School 2024.